Harmonizing spaces, Enhancing Lives

Vastu Shastra Principals

Transforming Spaces, Enhancing Lives

Samanvay Vastu Consultancy specializes in Vastu Shastra, offering expert solutions for balancing energies in homes and businesses.
Our services ensure harmonious environments, aligning spaces with ancient Vastu principles for enhanced prosperity and peace.

Vastu Principles and Logic

The science of Vastu deals with the bylaws on nature for the creation of harmonious and ecologically balanced spaces. Vastu shows us how to create interior spaces so that they honor the rhythms that control the universe and establish harmony with ourselves and nature.

Vastu offers a multi-disciplinary approach designing enhanced living. Vastu Shastra, provides a framework for good, peaceful and healthy standards of living. The shape of the building, for example, should merge with the surroundings, the environment and the topography of that area. One should also consider the climate of that area. As per Vastu Shastra, the shape of the building- the proportion of length, breadth and height, the entrance and the open spaces- play a very important role in life.

While designing any building, Vastu advises us balancing of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire (sun), Air and Space in their proper place and proportions to keep the occupancy of that place in harmony and to allow one to enjoy happiness and peace in the dwelling and/ or working place.

Vastu helps in designing the structure of the building to ensure a harmonious flow of energy and equilibrium. Vastu considers the interplay of various forces of nature involving the five elements and the nine planets to maintain equilibrium as these elements and planets influences, guide and change the living/life styles of not only human beings but every living being on the earth. Thus they influence our behavior, style, growth, deeds, luck and other basics of life.

There are three main protections for human comfort. The first protection is provided by the nature (our skin) since birth. The second protection we choose depending on climatic condition, customs and religions with the clothes we wear. The third protection is ‘shelter’. Shelter protects us from the worst and extreme forms of nature while enjoying the same.

Vastu Purush

  • Vastu purush is known to be spirit of site.
  • His middle body is assigned to the plots of Brahma.
  • His head should be assigned to the plot of Aryaman: he is known to lie by the NE direction with his faces turned downwards.
  • His left hand is stretched out by the corner line in NE.
  • His left foot is stretched out by the corner line in SW.
  • His right hand is stretched out by the corner line in SE.
  • His right foot is stretched out by the corner line in NW.


According to the Vedic thought Purusha is not only the cause and life behind all prakriti, but also behind all creations of man. Since mind in its state and form represents Purusha and mind is the lord or author of all creations of Man-Psychic as well as physical creation.


Any tool developed through human will, mind and efforts is extension of man himself. Whether as producers, receivers and users, men enjoy or suffer the development or limitedness of human intelligence or skill. So, the concept is that the manmade products are the projections of man’s own personality (material, emotional, intellectual, vital and bliss). The object made by him also has Purush (Atman or Prana).

Man & Vastu Energies

Man and nature are essentially a part of sacred metabolic system, everything throbbing with life. Everything depends on everything else.

People in different parts of the world have recognized the influence of the environment on the human being and had accepted the fact that environment and the mental and physical health of the human being was closely related. Once this factor gained recognition efforts were made to create proper environment for the people to enable them lead healthy and happy lives.

Following are the energies present in our environment which effect our body. 

  • Solar radiations
  • Cosmic energies
  • Earth magnetic field
  • Electromagnetic Field
Solar radiations

The Sun, the main body of the solar system, emits a wide range of electromagnetic radiation, including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet (UV) rays, visible light (VIBGYOR), infrared rays, microwaves, and radio waves. Infrared radiation benefits humans by aiding in the treatment of conditions like paralysis and muscular pain, while UV radiation, though harmful in large amounts, is the only source of Vitamin D for humans.
In the morning, the Sun is farther from the Earth (E-NE direction), and the scattered UV rays that reach us in smaller, beneficial quantities. In the afternoon (W-SW direction), the Sun is closer to the Earth, and harmful UV rays are more concentrated.
Vastu Shastra emphasizes leaving more open space on the north and east sides of a building to allow beneficial morning sunlight. Water bodies like wells and tanks should be placed in the northeast to receive purifying sunlight. The harmful afternoon UV rays from the southwest are blocked by taller, thicker, and closed walls in that direction to protect against these radiations.

Cosmic energies

Cosmic energy, a natural force that impacts us mentally and physically, flows from the northeast (NE) to the southwest (SW) within a plot. This energy moves in a curved path from NE to southeast (SE) and then to SW, as well as from NE to northwest (NW) before reaching SW, avoiding the center of the plot. For this reason, Vastu Shastra recommends leaving more open space in the north and east and placing the main entrance in the NE. The center is considered a “weak zone” with minimal energy flow, making it ideal for an open courtyard.
To prevent the loss of cosmic energy and block evil forces, gates should not be placed in the west-southwest (WSW) and south-southwest (SSW) areas. The plot should also follow a sloping pattern, with NE being the lowest point and SW the highest, as cosmic energy rises when moving towards SE and NW, and again when moving towards SW.
A water body in the NE strengthens the cosmic energy, making this zone sacred and significant in Vastu principles.

Earth magnetic field

Geo means ‘earth’ and pathy means ‘disease’.The science of geopathy is therefore the study of the diseases of the earth. These fields are electromagnetic in neture.

There are several factors which can contribute to geopathic stress. 

  • Underground voids (caverns, hollows) in rock structures.
  • Underground streams crossing, water veins.
  • Ground water currents.
  • Geological phenomena- mineral deposits which produce changes in ionization; metallic ore deposits

Dr. Curry of Germany discovered the “Curry grid,” a system of electrically charged lines of natural origin that flow in northeast-southwest and southeast-northwest directions, approximately three meters apart. Dr. Ernst Hartmann found similar charged lines running east-west and north-south, with their intersections forming highly charged junctions. Research suggests that sleeping over these intersections can lead to severe diseases, including cancer.
These distortions in energy fields, known as Geopathic Stress, can negatively affect the health, happiness, and prosperity of people living near or over these grid points. Geopathic Stres has been linked to a wide range of physical and psychological illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, MS, AIDS, depression, insomnia, infertility, miscarriages, and behavioral issues in children. It is believed to increase stress, hinder recovery from illness, and contribute to various chronic conditions.


Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us, yet we are often unaware of its presence since we lack a direct way to sense it. Despite this, our bodies are sensitive to electromagnetic fields because our brain, nerve signals, and biochemical processes rely on electrical activity. The human body, being a conductor, responds to these fields, and any exposure can disrupt our natural voltage, potentially affecting physical and mental health.
Magnetic fields exist everywhere, generated by Earth’s magnetism, solar storms, weather changes, and everyday electrical devices like motors, TVs, computers, microwaves, and power lines. Even our own bodies produce subtle magnetic fields through cellular chemical reactions and nervous system activity. Research from the U.S. shows that the electrical current in homes operates at 60 cycles per second, whereas human brain frequencies range from 8 to 20 cycles per second when awake and as low as 2 cycles per second during sleep. The higher frequencies of artificial electrical currents can interfere with the brain’s natural rhythms, possibly leading to cellular fatigue over time. To mitigate these effects, it’s advisable to limit exposure to devices like mobile phones, microwaves, and televisions.

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